Descent Into Darkness: A Soul Retrieval Journey
Descent Into Darkness: A Soul Retrieval Journey
This is a 1:1 shamanic activation & soul mentorship. As your guide, I will journey you down into the deepest parts of yourself to be re-mem-ber-ed, re-accessed, & soulfully awakened. This 1:1 shamanic mentorship will teach you how to complete the hoop of trauma, close out patterns + paradigms which are on repeat, & claim the gifts that your soul is here to live out. **Payment plans at the bottom
Why soul retrieval matters:
Soul “loss” happens when we experience events which fragment our soul or tell ourselves that it is unsafe to explore our souls essence. Physical, spiritual, or emotional trauma is a leading reason for soul fragmentation, however this can also be caused by traveling to high-energetic places or even soul initiations. Soul “loss” or fragmentation can cause us to become disoriented, discombobulated, disconnected, distracted, distressed, or numb to our reality. It can keep us in trauma loops, painful cycles, & patterns which harm us.
The benefits of soul retrieval:
Accessing the soul aspect which has been fragmented or “lost,” will bring us a feeling of completion, as well as return our energy to us, & give us a sense of vitality again. It will support us in clearing out patterns, healing dis-ease, & becoming fully enlivened in our physical experience. When we practice soul retrieval, we experience a massive healing which ripples out far beyond what we can see… to bring us back deeper into our gifts & powers.
This 1:1 mentorship includes:
8 x 90 min sessions
3 candles
Voxer/WhatsApp support
How our sessions are structured👇🏼
The Lower Realm:
We will begin here with our descent into the underworld, where we lay the foundation of our journey, meet the Spirit Guides intended to support us, lay our offerings down to the ancestors, & prepare our 4 bodies for the shamanic journey ahead.
Chamber of Wounds:
Our next session will take us into the place where our wounds are stored — either from this lifetime or another. We will journey here to remember, reflect, & receive the insight necessary to bring healing full circle to these wounds.
** After this session, we will do a cord clearing candle for deeper integration.
Chamber of Contracts:
Our following session will take us into the contracts, covenants, & agreements which are most active in our current lifetime. We explore the spells we have cast upon ourselves + lives, dissolve them, & write new ones.
** After this session, we will work together to write a new contract for where you are headed & work with another candle.
3 integration sessions:
We will have three integration sessions which may include journeying back into either chambers for deeper exploration, healing, or insight. Alternatively, we may also simply receive deeper energetic healing for releasing residue & creating space to allow the gifts + powers of our next chambers to be integrated.
Chamber of Grace:
In this session, we will journey into the parts of our Selves (soul) that are intact & ready to be reintegrated into our current reality. This chamber allows us to access the “Higher Self” aspects which have mastered parts of ourselves that we may struggle with.
Chamber of Treasures:
During this session, we will receive the medicine tools ready to be woven back into our energetic fields for the journey forward. This session will include receive the final messages, insights, & information necessary to return back to the middle world in completion.
** After this session, we will have one final candle for integrating the last two chambers & to close our container together as you journey back into the world.
This journey is designed to be ~ 3 months long, with our sessions happening every 10-14 days.
Payment plans:
3 x $375/month —sign up here.
5 x $230/month — sign up here.
6 x $190/biweekly — sign up here.