The Empire of Kemet held Divine wisdom for peace, sovereignty, & wholeness bestowed upon humanity for thousands of years before the corruption of human mind.
Initiates came from far & wide to become disciplined by ancient masters. These masters passed the knowledge through the lineage, which in turn, spread across the globe.
These teachings became a core foundation for many ancient mystery schools.
Many of us have incarnated into the modern age with a remembrance of our past training, studies, or service in Kemetic temples (or universities).
How do you know if you were a former initiate of Kemetic Mysteries?
You may experience the following:
Memories of serving in the temples, being near the Nile, or feeling drawn to the pyramids
A keen interest in natural healing: hands-on-healing, plant medicines, sound therapy, mantras
A deep call + familiarity of the Neteru (Gods + Goddesses of Kemet)
A remembrance of the ancient arts & mystery school teachings
A passion for spiritual righteousness & sovereignty
Sekhmet was the leading patroness of Kemet, as protectress of pharaohs, master healer, & destroyer of evil.
Sekhmet defends the cosmic law of Ma’at, holds the powers of Ra, & keeps the children of Earth safe.
Many former initiates were tenders to Sekhem temples.
Restore & reclaim the Ra Sekhem lineage of healers & alchemists through this initiation.
Claim the mysteries of Divine Living with Sekhmet
Eye of Ra, mistress of healing, destroyer of evil, initiates us into wholistic wellness + healing, living in Divine Order, & restoring peace through our lives.
She teaches us how to live in harmony with ourselves, the world around us, & our planet.
She guides us to be light as a feather & clear of toxic emotions, thoughts, + ailments.
Learn how to become a community leader through Ra Sekhem.
The Sekhmet Mysteries include:
Natural healing through hands-on-healing, prayer healing, & working with the elements
Working with crystals & gems for wholistic wellness
Utilizing plants/herbs in healing, spell work, & ritual
Symbol healing
Creating life around ritual + Divine devotion
Mantra recitation for energetic repatterining
Aligning with the Laws of Ma’at, living in righteousness, & energetic sovereignty
Through Ra Sekhem, you will:
Become lighter, more intentional, & prayerful
Learn how to navigate, process, & work through stuck emotional patterns, beliefs, + stories
Open your heart towards deeper love, harmony, & peace
Become a lighthouse & beacon for your community
Learn how to foster a loving, devotional, & tender relationship with Sekhemt, Ra, & Ma’at
Rediscover the ancient art of energetic alchemy through personal healing
Learn the language of your body, your emotions, & your thoughts
Draw closer to your Spirit Team & Soul ancestors
Embody spiritual sovereignty & energetic mastership
Restore Ma’at (cosmic law) through your life, your body, & your reality
Learn energetic, spiritual, & physical tools for healing + consciousness transformation
Ra Sekhem Initiation Details:
We begin on Tuesday, February 13th
6 month journey with 2 weekly classes via Zoom for live teachings & frequency alignments
Community platform for deeper integrations
Printable manual & suggested reading list
Certificate of initiation upon completion of prerequisites