Starseed Lineage Reading

Starseed Lineage Reading
Do you ever wonder where you came from?
While we are incarnated on Planet Earth, we are strongly connected to the rest of the Galaxy. Many Galactic Civilizations have helped humans evolve & reach for the Stars. Many of us (humans) have experienced other lifetimes elsewhere.
The Starseed Lineage reading will give you information on what genetic imprints are active in your current time/space reality. It will indicate what connections you have to our Star Families, while also expressing to you how these relationships are impacting your current state. This reading will include any karma at play, hidden gifts or talents, ways to connect or clear to your lineage, & more.
** This reading is recorded & emailed so that you may have the ability to reflect + deepen over time passes. By agreeing to this reading, you give me permission to read your frequency & connect to your lineage. Reading will be delivered in 10-14 days after purchase. **