Akashic Records Reading

Akashic Records Reading
Journey into the quantum ~
Step into the Akashic Records to receive insight, guidance, and answers to any burning questions your soul is carrying.
The Akashic Records can be defined as a “quantum library,” where all things ~ past, present, future, parallel, interdimensional, other planetary ~ are “stored” for personal reference.
The Akashic Records are available to all of us for whatever pure-hearted reasons we may seek to gain wisdom + insight for our path.
These sessions can provide us with clarity, healing, guidance, and insight. Depending on the inquiry, the Akashic Records will guide us into the most necessary form of action or information relevant. The Records will not give us more than our energy bodies are available for, neither will they give us information that is detrimental to ourselves. All things experienced in the Akashic Records are Divinely orchestrated, for our soul liberation and personal acceleration.
You can book a 1-time session or bundle them to work through larger topics on your heart.
After purchasing your session, I will be in contact via email for booking date.