New Earth Prosperity Codes:

New Earth Prosperity Codes:


A course on Sacred Wealth + Prosperity for the New Earth Leader

*See payment plans below 

In this course, we will face our wounds & limiting beliefs around money, desires, dreams, & prosperity. We will reclaim our sovereignty from the money-matrix & learn to identify how we have given our power away to externalities. We will learn how being our Galactic selves, our Soul essence, our Star brilliance, is magnet for our infinite prosperity & soul-mate clients. We will learn how to reconnect to Source energy as the supplier of all-we-need-&-dream in order to live in the truth of prosperity consciousness.

This course will help navigate the Spiritual truths around abundance, sacred wealth, & the energy medium of money. This course will break down & open up the realities of our hidden dimensions + dreams we wish to create. It will help us understand how can best align with the frequency needed to call in & hold our deepest desires.

This course is designed to awaken your Inner GodSelf, activate your Soul wisdom + 12-strand DNA, & to align your energy to the Source of All Creation as a leader in the New Earth. This is designed to deepen your relationship to the Creator, to get clear on your sacred mission, & call in your Higher Self to guide you through your business ventures. This course is designed to open & expand your Heart, for the wealth & prosperity of ALL on this planet.

This sacred container is 3 months long:

Our first month together is designed to be a deep healing & clearing around money wounds/traumas/stories. We will utilize Reiki energy, Source healing, & prayer to go to the roots of your money wounds, including, but not limited to, cultural conditioning, ancestral wounds, past life vows of poverty, etc. We will spend our first 4 weeks detoxing, purging, & releasing.

Our second month together is designed to be a re-calibration & re-programming of our energy bodies. We will surrender inner-currency to the Source of all things & our Higher Selves so that we can begin to work with the Divine energetics of financial abundance & wealth. We will meet & work with our Galactic Family to get cosmic insight & wisdom into who truly supports our sacred success, defining our relationship to the quantum field, & navigating our quantum realities.

Our third month together will be focused on getting clear in our sacred mission & services as a New Earth leader. We will identify who it is we are here to serve & how our Soul mission desires to express itself. We will download our Higher Dimensional business template & begin to align our energetic frequency to those we intend to serve.

Payment plans available via Venmo or PayPal. or Venmo @tworoseshealing 

When sending your payment, please email me with your payment plan:

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