Money Reiki Level II
Money Reiki Level II
**Only available for previous Money Reiki Level I Practitioners
Money Reiki Level II is considered “Master Level,” though it is followed by Level III, or Grandmaster Level.
In Level II, we will receive 3 new symbols, learn how to empower Money symbols from around the world, learn how to give attunements + Money Reiki empowerments, & work with our guides & angels on creating our Money Reiki “master plan.”
Level II will be focused on deepening our Money Reiki practice, creating the vision for our financial future, & learning how to pass this system on as part of our Dharma.
We will focus on utilizing Money Reiki as apart of our daily lives, become clear on our deepest wishes + desires, & move forward towards actualizing our intended realities.
This level will be meditative, ceremonial, & magical. We will deepen our relationship to our personal Money Devas, multidimensional business guides, & Angelic support team. We will clear out karmic contracts, past life experiences, & former belief systems - so we can focus on actualizing our desired experiences.
After we complete our class, there will be 4 case studies to complete:
Money Reiki client session
Money Reiki self-healing
Money Reiki empowerment offering
Money Reiki attunement
Once these case studies are complete, certification is provided.
Classes held Saturdays, March 4th, 11th, & 18th