The Way of Inanna: Candle Magic Journey + Bookclub into the Mysteries of Inanna

The Way of Inanna: Candle Magic Journey + Bookclub into the Mysteries of Inanna
Using “The Way of Inanna: A Heroine’s Guide to Living Unapologetically” as a pathway into the initiations of Inanna, we will journey into our energetic + spiritual body to receive the Goddess of Love. We will utilize the myths and hymns of Inanna to activate our own gateways in order to actualize + embody Her frequency in our lives.
In this magical journey into the Heart of Inanna, we will be supported in our initiations through sacred flame and mystical waters. Utilizing bath + candle magic to anchor these initiations, we will walk through ritual + ceremony for the following inner gateway activations:
The Call to Spirit; A Descent into the Innerworld:
An opening of our crown to understand clearly how our own shamanic death is serving our greatest revolution. We journey through the myth of Inanna’s descent and death in the underworld, discovering how Her release of the material world served Her initiation into power, thus understanding how we might do the same.
Healing Ancestral Relationships; Clearing Wounds + Claiming Gifts:
We address the challenges of our ancestors and consciously choose to release + forgive them, just as Inanna forgive Her grandfather, Enki, for betraying and projecting His wounds into Her. We will choose to generously accept the gifts of our lineage, as Inanna did, and learn how to utilize them for higher service to humanity.
Clearing Addictions + Attachments; Stepping Into Soul Power:
We will release ourselves from the deep fears that drive us to hoard or deny our Truth, just as Inanna banished the parasites from Her sacred tree. We will learn how to reclaim our power and stop giving ourselves away to that which steals from us.
Self Love, Positive Body Image, Healthy Self Esteem:
As Inanna chose Her beloved husband as an act of Self Activation, we too will choose to fall in love with ourselves and our ability to claim what we deeply desire. We will root ourselves in self love as an act of Divine Devotion, tending to our lives with reverence, as we mirror God within and without.
Erecting Sacred Boundaries; Claiming Space and Security:
Even a Goddess must go within Herself to discover where She is giving from an empty cup or denying Her innermost Truth. We will follow Her lead by assessing our own porosity, examining our energetic hygiene, and cleaning up any places where our boundaries are lacking. We will claim our energetic + spiritual rite to take up space and design our life from a place of security.
Transcending Self Limitation, Claiming Self Identification:
Similarly to the Priests + Priestesses of Inanna ritually dressed up as the other, we will choose to see ourselves beyond our flesh and claim who we truly feel we are ~ from the Heart. We will dawn a new identity, put on our robe of self identification, and become anointed by the Goddess in who we truly are.
Surrender to Ascend, Wisdom of the Living from the Heart:
After Inanna ascends from the Underworld, She is forced to learn how to rule Her Queendom from the Heart, by amending Her karma and restoring balance. Following Inanna, we too will return to the power + wisdom of our heart by exploring the etchings and stories held within. We will neutralize any beliefs rooted in distortion or trauma and create a sanctum for our Highest Belief System.
Each initiation will be held by Inanna, as we call Her forward in prayerful meditation. Although the book does feature guided meditation and ritual, we will be on a journey inspired by the channeling of Inanna and completed with either a candle or a bath for integration and anchoring.
The benefits of bath + candle magic:
The sacred flame of the candle operates in several ways: a conduit for our desires, the spark of initiation, a medium for the quantum realm, an energetic body for our work, life bringer. When we work with candle magic, we can clearly read and define what is happening in the ritual we are working with, while receiving exactly what we need in order to enact our desires. Candles support us in anchoring the unseen, while acting as a medium for the body that we are enacting in our lives.
Baths, and the ceremonial use of water magic, support us in transcending time/space to journey into the Akashic field of our lives. Baths assist us in spiritual + energetic cleansing, while also being able to take us on a multidimensional journey into our soul remembrance. We can use water to access the past/present/future/parallel lifetimes/timelines all coming together to create the shift we are actualizing.
The details of our magical journey with Inanna’s mysteries:
We begin on Saturday, 11/23, & have our first activation ritual under the new moon in sidereal Scorpio (11/30)
9 x 2 hour group activations where we will explore the myths, drop into prayerful meditation with Inanna, & construct the ceremonial candle or bath
Weekly meetings, on Saturday from 10 am - 12 pm PST
All bath + candle supplies are included in this journey, shipped by 11/25
Meetings are recorded + uploaded
Group WhatsApp for integration & exploration of the magic initiated