Dream Alchemy: Subconscious Inner-Standing & Dream Divination
Dream Alchemy: Subconscious Inner-Standing & Dream Divination
Have you ever woken up from a dream & wondered, “what the fxck did that mean?”
Have you ever had a dream that came true?
Have you ever dreamt of a passed loved one who shared messages with you?
Have you always believed your dreams to be more than simply your subconscious processing itself?
Me, too.
I’m a second generation psychic dreamer. I utilize the dream realm to receive messages from my Higher Self, Spirit guides, passed loved ones, & Star Family, while also dreaming for others. I have received insight, guidance, & awareness around all aspects of my personal + community life.
Dreaming has always been my super power — it has helped me consciously create my reality.
It is one that you, too, can access.
In this 8 week course, I will help you access your inner senses to have clarity around your ability to dream & create a visionary life based on your subconscious mind.
Through this course, you will receive the tools you need in order to harness your waking & sleeping dreams, including memory recall, imagination, energetic awareness, personal symbology, mental patterns, & more. Together, we will demystify dreams, open ourselves to clearer understanding of what the astral realm is explaining to us, & learn how to harness the power of the imaginal mind.
Some our topics include:
Awakened Dreaming & Visionary Living
We will open up & anchor the container to prepare us for psychic dreaming with the foundations for awakened dreaming + visionary living. This will cover the indigenous background of dreaming, how we are navigating our journey, grounding ourselves down for astral travel, & preparing our subconscious minds.
Clearing Your Psyche for Awakened Dreaming
You will prepare to journey through your psyche & receive the tools necessary to process the “junk” blocking your ability to dream “awake.” It will teach you how to scrub the subconscious before sleep, so that your dreams may be a place of psychic awareness rather than junk removal. It will teach you how to utilize your energy effectively both awake & asleep, so your body is in proper health to receive states of higher awareness
Activating Your Memory Recall
Memory is a muscle that gets stronger over time. This will lay the foundation to strengthening your recall & recollection of dreams. It will give you the tools you need to remember & recall nightly dreams, including details + messages. This week will include minerals & plant allies for support, as well my own tips & tricks for instant recall.
Soul Star Activation
The Soul Star Chakra helps access awakened dreaming. In these weeks, we will receive a powerful Soul Star Reiki activation & the tools we need to begin developing our relationships with dream guides. We will begin utilizing prayer & devotional work before sleep to help enhance our astral awareness. We will begin to learn how to decipher our dreams & understanding the messages.
Protection, Powers, & Perception
Protect yourself while you sleep. Our final weeks will be dedicated to staying protected while you sleep & access different dimensional states. This will lay the foundation for continued dream work & utilizing psychic support. It will include plant allies & prayers for keeping you safe while you travel multidimensionally.
This journey will include a mini astrology reading on accessing the dream realm through the 12th house. There will be teachings, personal sharing + Q&As (in the live classes), & DNA Reiki activation meditations. Every week there will be “homework.”
Payment plans available through Venmo (@tworoseshealing) or PayPal.me/tworoseshealing