You Can Heal Your Life:
A 3 month journey to radically altering your life.
Study group hosted by:
Iris Moon & Genevieve Godwin
You Can Heal Your Life is a powerful tool for transforming any life situation.
Written by Louise Hay, this book details both the underlining cause for dis-ease + im-balance in the body, as well as the healing remedy.
This book utilizes energetic exercises, story-telling, mantra work, affirmations, & more to create shift in our physical reality. Through these exercises, we find ourselves transformed in Mind, Body, Spirit, able to create, access, & hold our wildest dreams.
Genevieve says:
This book changed my life; it came into my life at a monumental time & reminded me that all our circumstances in the outer world are a result of our inner matrix. It reminded me that the lack of self-love & self-worth were influencing my life in a negative way.
This book gave me the “how to” guide on getting that main character energy back. It taught me how to take my personal power back, starting with the thoughts that I think. I consistently go back to the exercises in this book because they are easy to comprehend & implement whenever I need them.
They truly work.
With the power of a group container, the exercises in this book, & powerful Reiki meditations, this study group will help you ground down the sovereign, free being you truly desire to be. This transformation will help you radiate positivity, synchronicity, & joy to the world around you.
Iris says:
This is my #1 book recommendation for every single Reiki student I’ve trained. It has absolutely transformed my relationship to my body & my life since discovering it in 2018. It has truly become my “self-heal” Bible.
It helped me overcome personal struggle within my romantic relationship, finances, & general happiness. I live by this book & have enjoyed it more every time I’ve read it. It reminds me of my own inner strength & power to create life transformation.
The affirmations inspire so much hope for myself & my Reiki clients. In session, I utilize the affirmations to bring their bodies back into balance & for myself, I use them as personal inquiries. I’ve used them for meditation + emotional repolarization techniques. (And yes, whenever I’m sick, I run to the book to check out the energetic blockage!)
I am forever grateful for discovering this book & putting it to use, nearly daily!