Activating Your Cosmic Self:

Transforming the LightBody


You came here to be a sovereign being.

You have inner gifts that are ready to be expressed.

You know you have a sacred service that will revolutionize the world.


The Sirians are here to help you reclaim all your original, cosmic codes.

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Journey With the Sirians:

More than ever, we need our activators & way-showers to step into their Divine Role on this planet. As Mother Earth shifts in consciousness, She asks for her guardians & protectors to wake up + take initiative. In order to do so, we must re-instate our Original Memory & live in alignment with our Soul’s blueprint.

Why the Sirians?

The Sirians incarnated early in Gaia’s history to seed knowledge & wisdom of our future awakening. Since then, they have repeatedly reincarnated here as helpers, allies, & deliverers of knowledge when humanity needed it most.

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Who are the Sirians?

The Sirians are Guardians, Ancient Wisdom Keepers, Natural Leaders, Healers, & Activators. They are both physical & non-physical beings, who have routinely incarnated back on Earth to help humanity at pivotal moments in consciousness awakening.

Some examples of Sirian Code holders are:

Hathor + Isis

Yeshua + Mary Magdalene

Whale + Dolphin Consciousness

Within this journey you will:

Awaken your Starry Nature.

Activate your Sirian Consciousness & rediscover your Original Blueprint.

Call in your Soul Codes to receive clarity + understanding on your Divine Purpose.

Reconstruct your energy matrix to allow for more synchronicities, to clear the path ahead, & align you with the Highest & Best Timeline.

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How The Journey Will Go:

Your Sirian activation is an 8 week, self-paced journey. It will include:

Guided Reiki Meditations

An activation + awakening of the 13 chakras from the Earth Star to the Soul Star

Recorded videos on working with our Sirian Allies

Musical recommendations & journal prompts for deeper exploration

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Week by Week Agenda:

Week I: The Lemurians; Earth Star Chakra & Root Chakra: Meeting your Soul Lineage & Activating Ancient Wisdom

Week 2: Mary Magdalene; Sacral Chakra: Rediscovering Your Sacred Pleasure & Detoxing What Does Not Serve

Week 3: Isis; Solar Plexus Chakra: Standing In Your Power & Removing What Has Kept You Small

Week 4: Yeshua; Heart Chakra & Thymus: Unconditional Love Codes & Helping You Live In Service

Week 5: Whale Consciousness; Throat Chakra: Accessing Pleasure Through Your Voice & Releasing What Blocks You From Expressing Truth

Week 6: Dolphin Consciousness; Third Eye Chakra: Following Your Divine Vision & Accessing Your Inner Vision

Week 7: Hathor; Crown Chakra: Living in Alignment With The Divine & Being of Service to Humanity

Week 8: Journey to Sirius; Soul Star Chakra: Meeting Your Cosmic Consciousness & Receiving It’s Blessing

Ready to commit to becoming your most cosmic self?

Energy exchange is $555.

Payment plans available:

2 payments of $277.50

3 payments of $185