Meeting the Sirians: Masterclass

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Welcome to the Lion’s Gate!

Sirius is returning to our horizon!

This marks a special moment in time:

The veil is thin & the energies are potent.

This is an auspicious time to work with the Star Nations.

Who are the Sirians?

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The Sirians are both physical & non-physical beings of service to humanity.

Sirians hold codes of leadership, guardianship, & service.

These Light beings are Truth seekers & sharers, natural guides, & healers.

The Sirius Sun is likened to the “spiritual Sun” of our Galaxy.

What will these masterclass include?

  • Channeled guidance from the Sirians

  • Guided meditation to meet the Sirians

  • Working with the Whale + Dolphin nations as code holders

  • Reiki healing to accept + act on the cosmic codes

  • Deeper wisdom to understand the Sirian Star Family

  • Unlocking your own soul codes & remembrances

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I look forward to seeing you Sunday, 8/8!

11 am PST | 90 minutes!