Sekhmet Circle:

Archetypal Initiations of the Goddess

Week 1: The Lioness & Inner Fire

Your “homework” for week 1:

• Review the 42 Laws of Ma’at daily (morning & night is preferable)

• Invole Sekhmet and/or the Lioness in your meditation practice to see how you two relate

•Review the journal prompts

Journal prompts:

• Where am I giving away my energy to things that do no serve my Highest intentions?

• Where do I waste my time mindlessly?

• How can I be more intentional with my energy?

• In what ways am I called to be a warrior?

• Where do I draw my inner strength?

• What truly feeds my Soul?

Week 2: Serpent & “Forgotten” Wisdom

Your “homework” for week 2:

  • Move your body daily (in whatever way feels good for you!)

  • Review the 42 Laws of Ma’at

  • Work with your energy centers consciously

  • Review the journal prompts

Journal Prompts:

  • What does the serpent truly mean to me? How does it show up for me?

  • Root chakra check-in: What wisdom do I feel grounded in? What do I desire to embody, yet feel fear around? How can I feel more safe?

  • Sacral chakra check-in: What emotions do I feel have gone left unattended to? Is there something inside of me that’s ready to be created? How can I allow myself to move through life with more grace?

  • Solar plexus chakra check-in: Is there some place in/around my life in which I am giving away my power? Is there some place I’m afraid to be me? How can I align with my truth more deeply?

  • Heart chakra check-in: Is there old hurt, wounding, or resentment I’ve been holding on to? How can I allow for deeper forgiveness of myself & others? In what way can I expand my experience of love?

  • Throat chakra check-in: In what ways have I been limiting my self expression? Are there fears within me around telling the truth? How can I feel safer in my self expression?

  • Third eye check in: In what ways have I limited my inner vision & imagination? What ways can I bring more play to my creativity? How can I begin to work with my Divine Will?

  • Crown chakra check-in: Is there someway I have been wounded or limited in my relationship to the Divine? Is there something I’ve been taught about the Divine that I don’t believe to be true? In what ways can I imagine, communicate, or experience the Divine in my own way?

Week 3: Dragon Archetype & Ancient Earth Wisdom

Your “homework” for the week:

  • Practice the Breath of Fire to ignite (& feed) your inner dragon

  • Meditate with your Dragon & explore how it wishes to support you

  • Spend time consciously connecting to the Earth & ask Her to guide you

This is also a powerful way to call the Sekhem Reiki in when you need it.

Journal Prompts:

What in your life is ready to be “burnt down” & how you can support this transformation?

How would you describe your dragon? Color, feel, size, name, etc.

How do you feel your dragon wishes to support you?

What hidden wealth are you re-discovering now?

Week 4: Great Central Sun + Awakening the Altar of Self

Your “homework” for the week:

  • Find more ways to ceremonialize your life

  • Use your sacred items & stop waiting for the “perfect” moment

  • Daily, pray for your alignment with inner harmony & the dissolution of conflict

    Journal prompts:

  • How can I work with the energy of the miracle I asked for?

  • In what ways can I find more pleasure in my daily life? How can I invite more in if I am having a hard time?

  • What inner conflict can I let go of now?

Week 5: The Winged Ones & Merkabah

Your “homework” for the week:

  • Practice your merkabah as often as you can

  • Notice where you’re being asked to walk “in between” worlds

  • Spend time reflecting on how you can harmonize the different parts of yourself

    Journal prompts:

  • Are there any parts of me that feel like a paradox/polarity to each other? How can I bring these two parts together?

  • Where do I feel connected to inter dimensional travel?

  • If I could go anywhere, where would I travel to? Why?

Week 6: Ka Body & Karnak Temple

Photo of Sekhmet at Karnak Temple by Trent Kanemaki

If you want to continue:

• Practice calling Sekhmet into your Heart whenever you find yourself in anger, purification, or desire support

• Reflect on Her messages & implement Her wisdom in your life

• Continue feeding your Sekhmet altar

• Consider joining us in our next round on conquering fear — more info here.