Quantum Wealth Activation:

40 Day Money Reiki Reset + Sadhana

Live Ceremony Schedule:

Friday, 7/28

Opening Ceremony:

Declaration of Sovereignty:

This day ______, I cease believing in visible money as my supply and my support, and I view the world of effect as it truly is… simply an outpicturing of my former beliefs. I believed in the power of money, therefore I surrendered my God-given power & authority to an objectified belief. I believed in the possibility of lack, thus causing a separation in consciousness from the Source of my supply. I believed in mortal man and carnal conditions, and through this faith gave man and conditions power over me. I believed in the mortal illusion created by the collective consciousness of error thoughts, and in doing so, I have limited the Unlimited. No more! This day I renounce my so-called humanhood and claim my inheritance as a Divine Be-ing of God. This day I acknowledge God, and only God, as my substance, my supply, and my support. This day ______, I claim my body, mind, & spirit as a reflection of God. I claim my life as a reflection of God's Will. I claim my abundance, my prosperity, & my financial wellbeing as God's abundance flows through me. I claim my Divine Presence to lead me on my sacred journey & to become a Shepard of the Divine Light. From this day forward, I trust that I am Divinely provided for & claim the gifts of Divine Living. I claim my Divine authority as I anchor Heaven on Earth.

Signed and Sealed,

~ Your Name Here

Incantation recordings:

“God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me—the Reality of me.

“I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the Source and Substance of all my good.”

“I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of Infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth.”

“Through my consciousness of my God-Self, the Christ within, as my Source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply; thus, my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply.”

Money is not my supply. No person, place, or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited; therefore, my supply is unlimited”

“My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.”

The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs”

My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness,understanding, and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.”

When I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth. I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that Creative Energy, which is continuously, easily, and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow.”

I keep my mind and thoughts off "this world," and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me”

Journal Prompts:

Day 1: How does it feel to take full radical responsibility of your connection to money through a relationship to God? Can you recognize the ways you’ve been fully taken care of? Are you still holding anger about past financial blunders? How can you let God know you’re ready to let the Divine drive your journey?

Day 2: In what ways have you let yourself believe the external pressure dictate your “status” in this life? How have you agreed on “success” outside of your unique blueprint? How can you choose now to trust your Divine Presence as your guide in success, money, service, etc.?

Day 3: What is money currently teaching you? How can you show up for your relationship with money differently? How can you shift into believing that every moment, money is looking to teach you something Divinely timed for your path?

Day 4: What terrifies you about your dreams? Are you internalizing external beliefs or pressures around the validity of your dreams? How can you take one step towards actualizing your dream today?

Day 5: In what ways have you given your power over to money, a boss, or someone who’s paid you? Have you ever believed that money is the root of evil & sways people to do horrible things to each other? How can you create a relationship with money where you trust God to provide you with Divinely perfected opportunities to take care of yourself? Have you already seen this in action? If so, write about them.

Day 6: What desires have you been holding inside, ignoring them, or refusing to voice them? Free write them. Notice if there’s any external voice surrounding the “validity” of these desires & rewrite them to suit the birth of these desires.

Day 7: In what way have you been heavily focused on your financial goals without any Divine support? How can you let God lead the way (even a little!) in your journey?

Day 8: In what ways have you held shame around your financial journey? Free write your experiences & imagine that putting your words to paper is cleansing the experience from your energetic body. In what ways are you ready to hold money now?

Day 9: In what ways do you feel unfulfilled? In what ways can you invite more gratitude in? How does your future look in your minds eye?

Day 10: How do you become stagnant in the material world? Is there somewhere you worry excessively? How can you invite the Divine deeper into your every day aspects?

First Quarter Ceremonial Space:

Take your time with this exercise! This exercise is designed to help you discover & awaken to some of the money mindset belief systems you carry within your mind, body, & spirit. You will need your journal & open time to go through these exercise. Avoid rushing your way through this — let it really move through you. You can come back & experience this exercise as things shift or are ready to be open + understood. If anything is triggered or activated, journal them!

Affirm to yourself now:

“I am willing to drop what I believed about money that does not serve me.”

We will begin our money mindset clearing with ourselves, our childhoods, our past lives, etc. In this clearing, you will begin the process of opening, releasing, & alchemicalizing the belief systems which no longer serve the wealth consciousness of sacred leadership. I highly encourage you to listen to this clearing 3-7x minimum & keep track of what comes up for you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, & physically. Journal your experiences & let yourself witness where things were tied to these belief systems.

Next, we will begin the clearing process within what our ancestors have given us. This may include our parents (biologically, adopted, or agreed upon) as well as their family tree, or our multidimensional family/ancestry. I believe this clearing can even go into the lineages we have been initiated into, though you’ll know that truth within your heart. I highly encourage you listen to this clearing 3-7x minimum & keep track of what comes up for you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, & physically. Journal your experiences & let yourself witness where things were tied to these belief systems.

Finally, we will begin the clearing process for the cultural belief systems we have agreed to be true within ourselves. This includes things we have picked up on along our journey, what the media (social/news/etc) has convinced us to be true, or what we have come to understand by proxy. I highly encourage you listen to this clearing 3-7x minimum & keep track of what comes up for you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, & physically. Journal your experiences & let yourself witness where things were tied to these belief systems.

Let the Angels of Abundance support your money mindset journey… discover your personal affirmation & allow them to attune you to a new reality within wealth consciousness. Let this meditation & healing be a blessing to Mother Earth & her matrix system.

Self reflection prompts:

Day 11: Write a letter to money… let money know everything you feel in your heart about the mindset & belief systems you’ve held about it. You can write to yourself, in any version, your ancestors/parents, or the cultural you grew up in. Let yourself be witnessed & let money know in what ways you felt like it’s either served you or denied you. Be frank! After you’ve gotten out what you needed to, shift your attitude to gratitude. Let money know how it’s supported you & how grateful you are for it’s experience. Share ways in which it’s allowed you to expand, grow, or transform, or whatever you feel needs to be expressed. Then, finish your letter with the way that you’d like to work with it going forward & what you’re choosing to believe about your relationship.

Day 12: Create a gratitude letter. Focus on 3-5 of your biggest blessings & express your deepest gratitude to how these things have supported your life. **Read often!

Day 13: Consider your top 1-3 financial habits; write them in detail. (Ie, whenever a potential client asks me how much my session is, I desire to give it away for free & dance around the topic of money. Internally, I feel like I should not be charging for my services, or that someone doesn’t have the money to pay me, therefore it is harmful for me to run my business.) After knowing the what surrounds the habit, check in with your quantum wealth blueprint. Rewrite the habit based on your quantum blueprint. (Ie, whenever a potential client asks me how much my session is, I confidently answer with my hourly rate, claiming my energetic space as a practitioner. I know that the exchange is not only my time, it’s a life-altering activation, which leaves them forever changed. I know that my price is a blessing to my clients.) Read often!

Day 14: Consider your financial glass ceilings. In what ways do you cap yourself? Do you believe that making money can only look a certain way? How can you expand yourself positively?

Day 15: Consider your top resources, skills, & personal assets. Journal how you can give/share your skills with someone you’d like to receive from. Then, reach out to them!

Day 16: Free journal on any way you’ve stepped out of integrity within your financial journey. Assess your values, your priorities, & the things that are priceless to you; list them out in a way you can reflect on them. Write yourself a love letter on how you & money are going to reflect this list.

Day 17: Count your blessings — write out all the ways you’ve been blessed by God in the past few days or weeks; be sure to write “thank you” after each!

Day 18: Notice if you have any “financial shame,” maybe habits, beliefs, or actions you’ve taken around money which has caused you to feel unable to hold wealth in your reality. Write them down, then write what you gold you extracted from those lessons, then write about how you forgive yourself so you can move forward.

Day 19: Free journal on any financial karma you carry… just let it all out.

Day 20: Explore how you’ve shifted in your experience of money so far, journal on all the ways your experiences of money, wealth, & prosperity have been illuminated or experienced in this journey.

Second Quarter Ceremonial Space:

Clearing audio on illuminating any ways you & money have no been in right relationship. Listen to this audio multiple times for best results.

Utilize this meditation to shift your relationship to money & create a spiritual relationship to money. Come back to this meditation often!

Self Reflection Prompts:

Day 21: What are top ways your shadow shows up in money? Journal on them, face them, then lean into curiosity & write about how you can shift them.

Day 22: Have you ever experienced financial entitlement? Journal on the places you’ve allowed to believe your employers have power over you & journal any places you’ve ever felt entitled due to a financial exchange.

Day 24: Notice where your hoarding tendencies are. Journal them out, then go out & enjoy what you have today.

Day 25: Free journal on your relationship to financial escapism. Make an action plan to reorient your personal relationship.

Day 26: Are there any ways you need to give yourself permission to take up more space? Have you been hiding a facet of yourself? Journal an action plan for any ways you might be carrying fear or pain around being seen.

Day 27: Free journal on where you’ve given your power away financially. How can you reclaim your responsibility?

Third Quarter Ceremonial Space:

Reflection Prompts:

Day 31: What makes you feel wealth embodied? How can you feel your sacred wealth today?

Day 32: Create “I AM” mantras for yourself to practice for the next 7-10 days.

Day 33: Free journal on your personal values & notice if there’s anywhere you’re living out of alignment with them.

Day 34: Spend time in reflection of your energetic current, free journal what that means to you.

Day 35: Notice if there’s anywhere you need to “clean up” your finances, are you leaking energy?

Magic Money:

A place to take your financial relationship & quantum wealth blueprint to the next level. Become attuned to Money Reiki, learn folk magic, & explore your quantum wealth signature in a special cohort. We begin in September. More details here.