
Reiki Services: Distance + Local

Energy is everything;

It is neither created nor destroyed — thus we transmute it.

My practice includes: timeline/matrix clearing, cord removal, trauma healing, DNA activation, Soul Remembrance, multidimensional establishment, energy balancing, restoring harmony within + without, anchoring presence, personal matrix creation, womb healing, & more.

Activate your Inner Master. Free your Spirit. Book today.


Astrology Services: Reading + Healing

My practice is dedicated to empowering + strengthening your connection to the Cosmos & to the Self. When working with me, I look at your chart through the lens of your Soul’s expansion, ensuring you have a deep connection + understanding of your Mission on this planet.

Explore your Cosmic themes. Book today.


Divination Services

I am claircognizant + clairsentient, meaning I hear + feel messages from Source. My tarot practice is a staple in exploring the deeper messages for mySelf & others. Tarot can be used for Self reflection, insight into present circumstance, & guidance or advice.

Need Spiritual counsel? Ask the cards today.