Enter the temple of your own Divinity…

Rediscover the gifts of being Source, inbodied.

Learn the art of energetic frequency conduction, quantum reality, Akashic reading, & God-based Earth magic.

Be held in the discovery of your true self & soul wisdom.

The Healing Arts & Alchemy Mystery School is not your ordinary magical university

It is rooted in the full embodiment of magic… Rather than ascending out of your body, HAAMS teaches you how to BE your mystical body.

It is grounded in the Divine frequencies of the Rose Lineage + Kemetic Mysteries, dedicated to teaching you how to create your personal heaven on Earth, by showing up & living in Divine alignment.

This Mystery School will guide you back into the primordial roots of Rekhi, the Akash, & everything in between… Including, but not limited to:

  • Ancestral awakening, veneration, & liberation

  • Soul ancestors + prominent Spirit guides guiding your Soul’s journey

  • Innerstanding your personal blueprint through astrology + the Akash

  • Rekhi roots, museum of symbols, & archangelic frequencies + light rays

  • Developing your psychic gifts + honing in on personal superpowers

  • Energetics overlays of the body + physical correspondences

  • Foundational teachings on how to access the God frequency & created an intimate relationship to God

  • Accessing all levels of the Akash for merging with the Galactic Mind

  • Utilizing the medicine wheel & sacred cycles of time for ease + flow in our lives

This Mystery School is not about escaping Earth, only becoming the Light & Conduit that leads others into their own authority & BE-ing the Love we seek.

Meet your guides:

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