Dragons have walked among us since the dawn of embodiment. From far away galaxies, to the Golden Age of Lemuria, they journeyed with us to lay the foundations for the Dragon Mystery Schools & Temples of Divine Rememberance.

During the fall of Atlantis, many of the incarnated dragons were hunted down, forcing these dragons + their teachings to go into hiding. They scattered around the planet, yet they anchored in several places, including Ancient Egypt, the Himalayan mountains, the Andes, and also into the fabric of all elements. Legends tell tells of Earth dragons, Water dragons, Air dragons, Fire dragons, & Spirit dragons.

The Earth Star remembers the days that Dragons + Humans walked in peace, reverence, & devotion…

That time to remember & reclaim is now.

Dragons used to be a massive part of my fantasy world as a child… until I became an adult & met one face-to-face in a Reiki initiation.

In the blink of my third eye, dragons became real & I saw them work their magic in tangible ways.

Suddenly, dragons went from imaginary creature, to an Angelic Spirit, dedicated to the protection, prosperity, & soul awakening of all beings, openly available to those who want to use this energetic force for the Good of All.

The dragons began moving through me to my clients, where I started to initiate their own dragon awakening for all archetypes.

Like the Angelic Rays of the Rainbow, dragons of all varieties revealed themselves to their different powers + soul wisdom.

Remember your rainbow dragon light body.

Every light center in your body has an angelic dragon connection & a dragon wisdom waiting to be integrated into your consciousness.

Earth Star Chakra: Akashic Remembrance, Divine Mission, Claiming our Earth Rite

We start by journeying into our Earthstar chakra to the remembrance of our walk with dragons, either on this planet or another. This will activate the dragons whom are here protecting us, guiding us, & stewarding our current soul mission. We will begin working with the principles of our soul truth, as well as receive the foundational practices of embodying our God-fractal, & communing with our dragons.

Root Chakra:

Ancestral/Soul Lineage Wounds, Protection Mechanisms, Grounded Relations

Many of ourselves, ancestors, & soul lineages witnessed the dragon hunts & massacres, severing our relationship to these angelic beings & causing us to fear their presence + power. While we explore the root chakra, we will excavate any wounds we may have around our relationship to the dragons, while simultaneously cleanings them + closing them indefinitely. We will learn how we can seek dragon refuge as a shelter of safety, how we can ask them to protect ourselves, & also create an energetic + physical talisman for warding. We will remember how they guide us into healthy relationships + soul growth opportunities.

Sacral Chakra:

Womb Wisdom, Sacred Creation, Soul Magnetism

Dragons of the void (womb space) have several different archetypes + frequencies, similarly to the way that women, the moon, & the earth all have different cycles of creation + destruction. As we enter the void of the sacral chakra, we will awaken the dragons of the womb & meet this sacred + intimate space in a way that reflects our innate wisdom. We will meet all the archetypes + frequencies of these dragons & learn how to pair them to the stages + cycles of our own bodies. We will meet any pieces of ourselves that may resist the void & learn how to come into cosmic connection with our creative powers. We will learn the secrets of our own magnetism + how we might shy away from our receptivity.

Solar Plexus Chakra:

Energetic Sovereignty, Patching Holes/Leaks, Standing in Truth

We will work intimately with the fire dragons during our exploration of the solar plexus chakra. We will learn the basic principles of energetic sovereignty, identifying any + all energy leaks, patching up any holes/tears in our field, & become a master of our own energetic nature. We will learn how to breathe fire as we purify, release, & dissolve old contracts + agreements which steal our life force, as well as how to rewrite our commitments + stand powerfully in our soul truth.

Heart Chakra:

Emerald Dragons, Growing Your Dragon Wings, Extending Your Heart Field

As we explore our relationship to the heart chakra, we enter the altar of our Divine Presence. Here we will learn how to tend + feed this living altar, how to grow our dragon wings, how to expand our capacity for joy, & how to feel the depths of what is alive for us. We will meet the emerald dragons & receive their wisdom teachings, which includes the medicine of Guan Yin, our Mother of Compassionate Healing. We will extend our heart field & learn how to embody our whole aura, so that we may learn how to shift our energetic signatures.

Throat Chakra:

Magical Incantations, Expressing Truthfully, Commanding the Air Element

Initiating the throat chakra will revolve around what “truth” really is. We will explore our willingness & resistance to committing to candor, which includes the 3 pillars: Openness, Awareness, + Truthfulness. We will explore any karmic, ancestral, or soul wounds around expressing our truth, while clearing them up & leaning on our dragon allies for protection + defense. We will learn how to be open & curious about our Truth, as well as navigating away from stories that harm us. All of this work sets the foundation for utilizing our voice as a tool for commanding reality through magical incantations & the ability to command air, or action.

Third Eye Chakra:

Clearing Distortions, Deconstructing Former Programming, Tuning in to God’s Vision

The third eye awakening is not always rainbows + butterflies… in fact it can be difficult to see things for how they truly are, which is why there is such a massive agenda to keeping the third eye closed. The Golden Age of Aquarius is a third eye awakening; Aquarius restores inner vision & gives birth to new realities, thus it is pivotal for us to be working with inner sight as we give birth to the New Earth. As we excavate the the distortions, false programming, & agendas that have been systemically planted into our inner vision, we will work the Dragons of Clarity to receive pristine vision + inner gnosis about what it is we are actually here to do, as a child of the Most High. We will clear away our inner eye to receive the gift of God’s sight & devote ourselves to seeing a Higher Truth.

Crown Chakra:

Royal Initiations, Return to God, Merging With the Infinite

Through the crown chakra, we will explore if there are any religious/spiritual distortions in relation to God & heal this directly with Source Dragons. We will receive our royal rites of initiation, depending on where we are in our soul growth, to claim the energetic command of our reality. The work that we will do in the crown will be centered around our Divine Will & finding our “place” in the macrocosm. We will learn how to become one with the Infinite, while maintaining our sense of autonomy + individuality. We will hone in our or ability to hold multiple realities at once, while also carefully selecting + choosing which timeline we drop into. We will learn how to explore the quantum field, while actively seeing the timelines present based on our own choices. Working with the Divine ensures that our timeline is in alignment with our Soul Blueprint, thus we will repair any trust issues or doubt as they arise.

Soul Star Chakra:

Golden Dragon Lightbody, Dream Weaving, Divine Presence

Our soul star chakra contains the galactic blueprint of our Divine Presence, thus entering this chakra awakens the waterfall of star knowledge of your Divine Presence. When we enter this chakra, we work directly with our Divine Fractal, thus we will meet our Golden Dragon “hologram” which is our dragon light body. Here we will work with the golden dragons to weave the Highest versions of Self into our body & discover how to expand our capacity to letting God live within us. We will actively clean up + transmute anything within the 4 bodies that seeks to limit the Self to stay in formerly comfortable states of being. We will work with deep galactic remembrance & weave the parts of us that come from other realities. Through this chakra, we will bring out dragon body into full embodiment.

Elemental Dragons:

Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Manna

Primordial Dragons:

The “original” dragons that seeded ley lines + consciousness on this planet

Galactic Dragons:

The interplanetary dragons that have journeyed with us from star cluster to star cluster

Void/Womb Dragons:

Source-oriented dragons responsible for creation + destruction cycles

Wealth Dragons:

Dragon league dedicated to supporting the organic abundance/prosperity grid in each of us

Protection Dragons:

Guardians of our inner/outer treasures + shield of siphoning

Weaving Dragons:

Dragons dedicated to the cosmic thread of fate + quantum mechanics

Golden Dragons:

Dragons dedicated to the God-remembrance in all sentient life

& plenty others that choose to join us…

4.5 Months (18 weeks) of dragon activation + embodied integration:

~ Content will be offered through a mix of pre-recorded meditations + activations & live classes

9 live classes for exploration, connection, & assimilation

~Bi-weekly meeting

Pre-recorded meditations, activations, & journeys for dragon awakening

~Passive content will be sprinkled in between our live meetings so we can journey on our own, release resistances, & clear out anything that hinders our integration

Energy management + clean-up e-book

~This e-book will be available to purchase after our cohort begins, however everyone who joins will receive a copy so they can learn the principles of cleaning up leaks

Prerecorded class: Meet Your Wealth Dragons

~You will receive access to this class when you sign up for the cohort

1:1 Dragon Attunement

This session is designed to be completed in the middle of our cohort, to support you in integrating your own dragon codes as we journey together as a group.

We will hold an opening circle to bring us into the cohort, to call forward our dragon clan, & anchor this journey as a group in the Earth.

Suggested day for our 1:1 sessions with be determined on our mutual availability.

Payment Options:



2 Payments:

$560 every month

Monthly Payment:

$233 for 5 months