A Deep Dive Into the 8 Gates:
The Vulva Gate:
The Conception, The Entrance, The First Feel
During this initiation, we will explore the conception of this body & soul, the stories our vulvas hold, & the first feeling of our wombs.
We will participate in a re-conception ceremony & re-integration to our wombs.
The Clitoris Gate:
The Pleasure, The Power, The First Menses
During this initiation, we will journey through the feelings of pleasure, pain, & power of our wombs. We will experience the memory of our first menses & reclaim the power of our life force through a menarche rite.
We will claim our lives for pleasure & learn how to live in joy with our womb.
The Canal Gate:
The Pathway, The Inner Knowing, The First Penetration
During this initiation, we will pilgrim through our inner path & claim deep remembrances of our womb knowing. We will explore the sensations of our body & tune into our first sexual experience. We will clear out any less-than-loving sexual experiences we have encountered & create ceremony around our sexual devotion.
The Cervix Gate:
The Transition, The Between-Realms, The Birth
During this initiation, we will explore our cellular memory of birth & the transitional space. Whether we have given birth to another body, project, or simply been born, we will explore the medicine of knowing our birth stories & how it affects the way we traverse change in our life.
We will hold ceremony for our transitions, the way we birth & have been birthed, work with the matrilineal lineage, & honor the air element.
The Uterus Gate:
The Silence, The Canvas, The Gestational Space
During this initiation, we will journey into our personal experience of the silence & the space of no-thing-ness. We will feel the comfort/discomfort of being in a place of deep rest, allowance, & nurturance of new life. We will lie in the wisdom of the blank space, learning how to be at ease with the unknown.
This ceremony & ritual space will create more room for solace in the dark, connect us to the crystalline Earth grid, & the element of Earth.
The Ovary Gates:
The Right Ovary: Masculinity, Fire Element, Act of Giving
The Left Ovary: Femininity, Water Element, Act of Receiving
During these initiations, we will take one ovary at a time, exploring the beliefs patterns, stories, feelings, & ancestral karma we hold in each element + polarity. Through these initiations, we will clear any wounding/belief around the ability to give/receive, the sacred relationship of reciprocity, & the willingness to put ones self out there for the internal calling. We will feel the wisdom of the ovaries by exploring the inherited DNA our grandmothers have given us, including their gifts, their traumas, & their stories.
Our ceremony of the ovaries include getting acquainted with the Feminine Ancestors of Love & Divinity who wish to guide + support us in our womb wisdom & owning our life force energy.
The Cosmic Womb Gate:
The Eternal Mother, The Sophia Consciousness, The Seed of All Creation
During this initiation, we will meet with the Sophia. We will walk in the medicine of our Spiritual Mother & meet the Divine Feminine Mother who supports us in our daily life. We will enter the cosmic seed of creation & become reborn into the powers of Shakinah. We will learn how to align with the Seed of Creation & claim our Spiritual Sovereignty as Children of Sophia.
This ceremony includes aligning ones’ Self spiritually & commuting to a life of Divine Inspiration. This will bring a portal of light between our womb & the Cosmic Womb of all life, inviting us to deeply integrate + activate the previous 7 gates.